Community Engagement

“Making a difference in our city”

Students at City Mission Schools participate in a service project each week with City Mission Storehouse.

City Mission is a local non-profit that specializes in minimizing food insecurity through their operation of Storehouse. They believe “all are fed” and distribute thousands of pounds of food per month to local beneficiaries. Most organizations require their volunteers to be of a certain age to contribute to their outreach opportunities. At City Mission Schools, we allow families to be part of serving, so our students can get involved early on. City Mission Schools has a unique schedule, allowing students Fridays "off". Each Friday, the school partners with City Mission Storehouse to aid local food insecurity through various serving opportunities.

City Mission Schools assists City Mission Storehouse weekly by sorting food, categorizing, and quality control checking various food items. Students are reminded of the importance of food quality, as well as waste management for the food acquired. Each class that participates in food sorting is given specific tasks to complete as they relate to their studies.

Garden Project

Students at City Mission schools, with the generous donations of local hardware store Schmidt’s & Seraphine’s, designed and planted a garden to grow fresh produce for families of the school and the community!